Episode 11: Building Multiple Streams of Income with Kelly Beins
This rock-star occupational therapy business owner is building an empire! :)
Kelly Beins is an occupational therapist and owner of Occupational Therapy Consulting, LLC in Frederick, Maryland, and the author of the Ovis the Sheep books that make learning about sensory processing FUN for children and families. She’s also working on designing telehealth opportunities for clients and developing online courses in the future too! Kelly shares so much wisdom in this episode about starting and growing her business. Grab your pen and paper, or be prepared to take notes on your phone! We cover the following topics:
Starting small and being fiscally responsible as you get started
The importance of personal connections and relationships in business…how Kelly found a publisher for her first book.
How her idea for her book grew out of her practice and how it solves a problem for parents.
How her practice always includes parents in their child’s treatment sessions in a “parent partnership” model.
Kelly’s expert tips for managing a treatment session with the parent present along with the child and how to manage parent expectations about therapy.
Kelly’s succinct and clear approach to conducting a client intake call that is efficient and effective in booking clients…and how to regain control of an intake call when it is going way too long. :)
How she rents clinic space for additional revenue.
What other business ideas she’s working on…
Kelly’s wisdom on how to grow your business sustainably (this is around the 50 min mark)
What Kelly’s work week looks like as a successful clinic owner (hint: she block schedules!!! and has structured her schedule to have very minimal direct service responsibilities)
Kelly’s favorite business podcasts and books:
The Life Coach School Podcast (love/hate relationship with this one) :)
Small Business Boss Podcast
Biz Chicks Podcast
Anything by John Maxwell for mindset
Book: Start with Why by Simon Sinek
Book: Good to Great by Jim Collins
Book: This I Know by Terry O’Reilly
Book: You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
Anything by Brene Brown
The biggest fail-learn Kelly’s experienced in her business and how it caused cash flow to suffer and caused stress and what she learned from it.
Kelly’s advice about hiring a good team. Surround yourself with good people!
Thanks for coming on the show and sharing your wisdom with OT business owners, Kelly!
Kelly’s clinic website, Occupational Therapy Consulting, LLC: https://www.kellybeins.com/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OTCfrederick/
Kelly’s Instagram: @kbeinsOT
Ovis' webpage: https://www.otc-frederick.com/ovis-the-sheep/
Ovis’ facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OvisHasTrouble/