Episode 21: Sarah Lyon on The Unlimited Potential in OT Entrepreneurship
The fabulous Sarah Lyon is an occupational therapist and founder of the OT Potential Club, an online membership site dedicated to helping all occupational therapists implement evidence-based practice.
Since Sarah and I recorded this episode only 2 short weeks ago, so much has changed. The COVID-19 virus pandemic resulted in the cancellation of the AOTA conference, followed by a “shelter in place” mandate in my area. At this time, we are only allowed to leave our homes for essentials (like groceries or medicine) or to recreate outdoors while practicing social distancing. There is just so much uncertainty, in our families and communities and especially in our businesses. If you are a business owner feeling uncertain and anxious - we are all in this together. Don’t do it alone! Reach out and find community- it is so important during this time!
I believe this episode is the positive boost you need right now. Sarah is such an optimistic person and it’s so interesting how serendipitous it is that this is the episode I had previously scheduled to release in the midst of all this. Sarah has so much optimism for our profession and for the potential of our profession to do such great things in the world. The world needs what we have to offer as occupational therapists. We will survive this and we will emerge stronger than ever!
Sarah and I discuss:
● Sarah shares how OT Potential started and how it looks today.
● Starting her blog and monetizing it.
● The resources that are available in the OT Potential Club.
● Surprises she has found out in her research.
● How OTs will be more valued in the future.
● Sarah shares the critical things she did to replace her clinical income with her website in a span of 5 years.
● Why affiliate marketing is not passive income.
● Why it’s important to use evidence-based practice.
○ Recommended Video: OT Potential Club
● Why being a business owner is not for everyone
● The importance of being members of our state and national (AOTA) professional organizations.
● The biggest failure she has had in her business and her advice about working with contractors.
● Things that are going well in her business and what she recommends for others to have the same success.
Connect with Sarah and all her resources at:
Want to discuss this episode? Join us on the new Mind Your OT Business Group on Facebook for discussion on topics from this episode! Let’s support one another through these unprecedented times.